Athlete Code & Responsibilities
Athlete Code of Conduct
As a member or program participant of the HBC I pledge to follow this Athlete Code of Conduct.
1. I am an ambassador of HBC and shall maintain high standards of moral and ethical conduct, which includes self-control, responsible behavior, and consideration for the physical and emotional well being of others.
2. I will treat others with respect and expect to be treated with respect in return.
3. I will respect an individual’s dignity and acknowledge that verbal or physical behaviour that constitutes harassment, intimidation, bullying or abuse are unacceptable.
4. I will uphold the generally accepted standards of fair play and exhibit a high level of sportsmanship and team spirit.
5. I will be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.
6. I will refrain from using profane, insulting, or otherwise offensive language.
7. I will abide by the HBC Member Handbook.
8. I will not possess or use any illegal drugs and if under the age of 19 will not possess or use alcohol or tobacco in any form during any activity associated with HBC.
9. I will reimburse the cost of any damage to equipment or any other property in accordance with the Damage to Equipment policy
10. I acknowledge that the HBC Coaching staff is responsible for the athletes.
A breach of any part of this Code of Conduct is sufficient grounds for an athlete to be withdrawn from a program or event and be sent home at his or her expense. Athletes may have their water privileges suspended or revoked at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Members will be asked to sign the Code of Conduct as well as the Waiver prior to being permitted on the water at the beginning of the rowing season.
Member Responsibilities
All members must sign the Application Form and Code of Conduct and pay the full fees for their Program before they are permitted on the water.
All members must be physically fit to participate in the Program they join. If you are unsure of whether your physical fitness meets the requirements for your Program, please see the Head Coach.
Be familiar with all HBC Policies and Guidelines set out in the Members Handbook.
Each crew is responsible for having the necessary safety equipment accessible to them on the water (either in a coach boat accompanying the crew or in the rowing shell).
Cleaning the docks (removing fowl waste and other hazards on the docks).
Returning all Club equipment to its allocated spot in the boat house (ie: stretchers, oars and shells).
Wiping down the shells after use and participating in a weekly inspection and cleaning of the crews’ shells.
Picking up any garbage or recycling mistakenly left by other members.
Volunteering for HBC Committees in which the members have any special interest or expertise.
Any member that sees other volunteer opportunities based on their knowledge or background are encouraged to speak with the Club Captain to donate their time and expertise.