Hanlan Boat Club

Violence in the Workplace Prevention Policy

March 2020


Hanlan Boat Club (“Hanlan”)  is committed to providing a respectful, supportive, healthy, safe, accessible and inclusive work environment for all employees, as they are entitled to work in an environment free from Workplace Violence.  We uphold a zero tolerance to acts of Workplace Violence. All incidents and alleged incidents of workplace violence, no matter of what magnitude or whom it may involve, must be treated seriously and handled in a manner which includes immediate reporting to the supervisor/manager and, when required, the police. Whatever the cause or whoever the perpetrator, workplace violence is not to be accepted or tolerated. Sanctions could include up to immediate dismissal for perpetrators and criminal charges.


Hanlan will be proactive in working with its employees to prevent violence in the workplace by establishing and implementing a comprehensive workplace violence prevention program to fulfill the requirements of relevant legislation including the: 

  • Occupational Health and Safety Act 

  • Criminal Code of Canada 

  • Ontario Human Rights Code

  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Act  

This policy defines Workplace Violence (violence) and identifies the responsibilities of Employees and Management.  It identifies behaviours that constitute violence and identifies the process for reporting and resolving incidents of violence.


This policy applies to all employees of Hanlan which includes but is not limited to regular, temporary and contract employees including consultants.  This policy also applies to volunteers, including Board of Directors.     

This policy covers incidents of violence, as defined below.  This policy does not apply to Workplace Harassment. Refer to the Hanlan Boat Club Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedures in response to incidents of Workplace Harassment.


Workplace Violence

Workplace violence includes acts of physical violence, abuse (verbal or physical), bullying, intimidation, or other threatening behaviour that occurs in the work place.   


For the purposes of this policy, workplace includes any location in which employees and/or volunteers are engaged in Hanlan business activities necessary to perform their assignments. This includes, but is not limited to, Hanlan offices, employee/volunteer parking lots, employee/volunteer organized social events, field locations, and during business related travel.   


Bullying is an offensive, cruel, intimidating, insulting or humiliating behaviour that includes physical violence or the threat of physical violence. It can be physical or verbal, direct or indirect such as gossip. Bullying is considered harassment in general, unless there is physical contact or a threat of violence, where it is considered violence. Bullying is ill treatment that is not addressed under human rights legislation or criminal codes.   

Policy Application

Note:  If you witness an act of workplace violence in progress or if an individual becomes violent and your safety is at risk, leave the area immediately and call 911 or the emergency services number in your area.   

A number of different actions in the work environment can trigger or cause workplace violence. It may even be the result of non-work related situations such as family crises, alcohol or drug abuse, financial pressures, or legal difficulties. Workplace violence can be inflicted by an abusive employee, volunteer, supervisor, manager, co-worker, client, family member, or even a stranger.   

However, there is no sure way to predict human behaviour and, while there may be warning signs, there is no specific profile of a potentially dangerous individual. The best prevention comes from identifying any problems early and dealing with them.   


Prevention of workplace violence is the most important part of any plan. At its core, it involves awareness by management, employees and volunteers on the potential of violence and steps that can be taken to lessen the possibilities of an incident:   

  • Pre-employment screening – The adherence to Hanlan policies regarding employee and volunteer vulnerable sector screening mitigates the risk of hiring or engaging a potential offender.

  • Code of Conduct – All employees, members and volunteers are to read, agree to and abide by the Athlete Code of Conduct and Member Responsibilities.

  • Security – Maintaining a safe workplace is part of any good prevention program. There are a variety of ways to help ensure safety, such as locked gate and general awareness. 

  • Dispute resolution – An employee or volunteer may turn violent, in part, due to a build-up of frustrations in the workplace. We encourage all members to contact a member of the Hanlan Board of Directors for resolution of any disputes.  Where there is interpersonal conflict, efforts will be made to support all parties.

Finally, and most importantly, employees and volunteers need to be aware of the fact that interpersonal behaviours can dramatically affect the possibility of a violent incident. Consistent with our Athlete Code of Conduct, respect for one another and an awareness of the importance of human dignity are core values at Hanlan.  Furthermore, willingness to listen to and assist fellow staff members and volunteers can go a long way towards mitigating feelings of depression and helplessness that can lead to violent behaviour.   


Everyone has the right to an environment that is free from violence, and threat of violence, and to file a complaint when the environment is not free from violence.   Employees have the right to file a complaint without fear of any discrimination or retaliation for being, or perceived to be, victims of workplace violence.

Employees have the right to refuse unsafe work where workplace violence is likely to endanger them. While work refusal is being investigated, the employee is to remain in a safe place that is as near as possible to their work location, making themselves available for the purposes of the investigation.


Employees, members & volunteers are responsible for:  

  • Being familiar with applicable policies, procedures and programs affecting violence in the workplace, including Harassment in the Workplace, and Workplace Violence; securing their own workplace; questioning and/or reporting strangers to supervisors/managers  

  • Reporting any threats, physical or verbal, and/or any disruptive behaviour of any individual to the appropriate supervisor/manager 

  • Being familiar with any local procedures for dealing with workplace threats and emergencies 

  • Taking all threats seriously

  • In the event of an incident of violence, reporting it immediately to his/her supervisor/manager or police, as the case may necessitate.  

The Hanlan Board of Directors is responsible for: 

  • Informing employees and volunteers of applicable policies, procedures and programs affecting violence in the workplace, including this policy as well as the Hanlan Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedures.

  • Informing employees and volunteers of specific procedures for dealing with workplace threats and emergencies, and how to contact police, fire, the Club Captain and the Board of Directors.  

  • Ensuring that employees and volunteers with special needs are aware of emergency evacuation procedures and have assistance (as necessary) regarding emergency evacuation situations.

  • Taking measures to promote the security of buildings and offices. 

  • Providing adequate resources for training and awareness and including workplace violence awareness in employee and volunteer orientation. Training is to be updated for any new sites or situations that may present new or different risks for workplace violence.

  • Ensuring compliance with applicable provincial health and safety legislation.  

  • Responding to potential threats, escalating situations and incidents of violence by utilizing proper resources from the following: first aid providers, local law enforcement and medical services.

  • Documenting, or requesting that the individual reporting the matter document, all incidents of violence in the workplace are documented, using the Incident Report form found on the Hanlan Boat Club website. The Club Captain and Head Coach will be advised of all incidents.

  • In consultation with the Club Captain or Board of Directors, determining whether sufficient evidence exists to justify taking disciplinary action or discharging the employee/volunteer once the investigation of any misconduct is complete. 

  • Taking all threats seriously.  

  • Providing information about third party support opportunities for any employee who experience violence in the workplace.


Where an act of violence has occurred, safety protocols are to be followed, the perpetrator removed (by police where there is an ongoing threat) and the site secured. In addition to police as required, any member, volunteer or employee who witnesses or is the victim of violence must immediately contact the Club Captain or any other member of the Board of Directors. An investigation will then be conducted.  

Where a threat of violence has occurred, the Club Captain and Board of Directors are to be notified. If the person who is uttering the threat is at the worksite, s/he shall be removed prior to any further investigation. An investigation will then be conducted. 

If there has not been a threat or an act of violence, the act may be considered harassment. Refer to Hanlan Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedures.  These Procedures require an investigation by an independent party:

Where an investigation is requested by the Director charged with handling a complaint, the President and Secretary shall select and appoint an investigator, with input from the HANLAN BOAT CLUB Board.  An Investigator, for the purposes of this policy and procedure, will be defined as a Director or member-at-large of the HANLAN BOAT CLUB, perceived as independent and with no discernable interest in the outcome of the investigation.

No investigation information is to be kept on the employee/volunteer’s personnel file with the exception of official disciplinary/termination papers. Similar to problem resolution cases, investigation information should be kept in a separate secure file and retained for the period of employment of the employee plus an additional five years. Proven allegations of violence, including disciplinary action taken shall be documented and form part of the employee/volunteer’s permanent record.   

Disciplinary action

An act of violence, committed or threatened, by an employee or volunteer is a serious offence. If the act or threat of violence is substantiated, the violent employee/volunteer will be subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal of an employee or termination of membership without refund for a member. Hanlan reserves the right to discipline those whose complaints are frivolous or vexatious.   

Any interference with the conduct of an investigation, or retaliation against a complainant, respondent or witness, may itself result in disciplinary action.

Criteria in determining level of disciplinary action shall be based on fact scenario and will take into account harm to the individual, harm to the organization and its reputation, and whether or not there was an unequal power relationship.   

Where the conduct involves, or may involve, criminal activity, Hanlan reserves the right involve the appropriate police services.

Employees, volunteers and members have a duty to report criminal activity. 

Legal parameters  

Nothing in this policy shall be deemed to limit the right of an employee, member or volunteer to pursue criminal charges or civil legal action.   


The Board of Directors is responsible for maintaining, monitoring, and revising this policy; and for authorizing exceptions. The Board is responsible for reviewing this policy at least every three years.

Members of Hanlan’s Board of Directors, its Club Captain and other officers, Hanlan’s Head Coach and all other employees are responsible for applying and implementing this policy.

Approved by the Board of Directors

March 9 2020