Harassment Policy
As a member of Rowing Canada Aviron HBC subscribes to the principles laid out in the Respectful Workplace Policy.
Any complaints about harassment should be brought to the attention of the Club Captain who will bring that to the Executive for investigation and resolution.
HANLAN BOAT CLUB Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedures
Harassment Policy
HANLAN BOAT CLUB is committed to providing a positive sport, volunteer and work environment where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. An atmosphere free of bullying, harassment or discrimination promotes equality and the freedom to contribute to our vibrant organization.
Harassment can be defined as any unwanted physical or verbal behaviour including emails, tweets, and other forms of communication, that offends or humiliates you. It is considered by the Ontario Human Rights Code (1962) as a form of discrimination. This can occur when someone makes remarks to you that are known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome or demeaning.
Harassment also encompasses any comments or conduct that is known or ought reasonably be known to be unwelcome because it is based on your personal characteristics, including any protected ground of discrimination.
Harassment includes any behaviour that constitutes hazing or any initiation rite to ensure inclusion in a group or activity within the HANLAN BOAT CLUB organization.
This policy applies to all elected Directors, organizers, coaches, umpires, athletes, team managers, volunteers, employees and other members of HANLAN BOAT CLUB when involved in a HANLAN BOAT CLUB activity. It applies to any harassment that may occur during the course of any HANLAN BOAT CLUB business, activities and events.
Harassment Complaint Procedures:
A person who experiences harassment (Complainant) is encouraged to make it known to the harasser that the behaviour is unwelcome, offensive and contrary to the policies of HANLAN BOAT CLUB. Sometimes the harassment is unintentional and can be stopped when the harasser is informed that the behaviour is offensive.
If confronting the harasser is not possible, or if after confronting the harasser the behaviour continues, the Complainant should request a meeting with the President or the Secretary, or any other currently elected Director of the HANLAN BOAT CLUB and do so privately, and not include or otherwise make known the concern to anyone else.
Once contacted by a Complainant the role of the Director is to serve in a neutral, unbiased capacity in receiving the complaint and assisting in its informal resolution. If the Director is unable to act in this capacity, the Complainant will be referred to another suitable HANLAN BOAT CLUB Director. The Director who undertakes this process shall inform the board when an exploratory discussion will take place with the Complainant.
Where a person believes that a director, organizer, coach, umpire, athlete, team manager, volunteer, employee or other member of HANLAN BOAT CLUB has experienced or is currently experiencing harassment, and reports this belief to a Director, the Director, as above, will initiate a meeting with the person said to have experienced harassment.
There are four possible outcomes to a meeting of a Complainant and the Director:
It may be determined that the conduct does not constitute harassment as defined in this policy, in which case the matter will be closed; or
The Complainant may decide to pursue an informal resolution of the complaint, in which case a mediator as agreed to by both the Complainant and the Harasser will assist the two parties to negotiate or mediate an acceptable resolution of the complaint; or
The Complainant may decide to proceed with a formal, written complaint and deliver it to the Director. The written complaint shall contain the date of the alleged offence, the individual alleged to be the harasser, the list of witnesses if any, and a detailed description of the incident(s). The Director, promptly after the complaint is received, will request an investigation in accordance with section 6 of this policy and procedure.
The Complainant may decide not to proceed with a formal Complaint but the Director may nonetheless determine that due to its serious nature, the allegations merit an investigation. The Director will advise the HANLAN BOAT CLUB Board of this determination and will request an investigation in accordance with section 6 of this policy and procedure.
Where an investigation is requested by the Director charged with handling a complaint, the President and Secretary shall select and appoint an investigator, with input from the HANLAN BOAT CLUB Board. An Investigator, for the purposes of this policy and procedure, will be defined as a Director or member-at-large of the HANLAN BOAT CLUB, perceived as independent and with no discernable interest in the outcome of the investigation.
At the conclusion of the investigation, the investigator shall submit a written report to the President of the HANLAN BOAT CLUB. After review of the report, the President will tender the report at the next scheduled meeting of the Board, for review and action if necessary.
If the investigator determines that the complaint is unfounded or the conduct cannot be reasonably said to fall within the definition of harassment, then the Board as a whole will agree on a written response back to the Complainant with those findings, which shall be sent by the President. The Board will also inform the alleged harasser of this determination.
If the investigator determines that the complaint has merit, then the President will be responsible for tabling the complaint, and the Board shall review and make a formal resolution and motion as to the remedy and next steps. The remedy may include, but will not be limited to, a formal or informal caution, a suspension, a termination of membership and boat storage. After the Board resolution on the action, the board as a whole will agree on a written response back to harasser and to the Complainant, which shall be sent by the President.
None of the above remedies available to the club will preclude the Board or the Complainant from reporting the harassment to organizations outside of HANLAN BOAT CLUB, if the harassment falls within the purview of those organizations, e.g. RCA, Toronto Police Services, Human Rights Commission, etc.
APPROVED by the Board of Directors of HANLAN BOAT CLUB by Electronic Vote declared complete on July 5, 2019